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About Us

We recognize in each person his/her uniqueness and adapt yoga to the individual. Variations and modifications of yoga practice are therefore a given. Rigid principles and dogmas are none of our business. “What's good for me is not necessarily good for you.” Our teaching style is characterized by passion, enthusiasm, and clarity.


Yoga constitutes a guide for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. This goes far beyond the physical poses, the asanas. Yoga addresses the physical, vital, psychological, mental, emotional, and spiritual properties of man. A comprehensive practice of yoga includes the “eight limbs of yoga”, specifically the yamas and niyamas.


Therefore, non-violence, truthfulness, fortitude, non-possessiveness, mental purity become part of our daily lives on the path toward greater composure and mental clarity about the goings-on both inside us and around us.  While maintaining rooted in everyday existence we gradually aligned our lives according to the principles of yoga, walked the path of yoga. Extensive excursions in India and visits to other parts of Asia, intensive training in yoga, massage therapy and Ayurveda provided the basis for us so we can now share this path with you heart to heart.

We look forward to spending quality time with you.

Namaste Mona & Gunnar

Mona & Gunnar

We are teaching yoga from our heart

Mona Abter

Mona Abter is an experienced and certified Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga teacher as well as a holistic Massage Therapist. She has been doing bodywork for more than 25 years. For the last 15 years she has been teaching workshops, retreats and teacher trainings in Europe and Asia. While she spent many months in India, Sri Lanka and Bali she expanded her knowledge by studying Ayurveda and Marma point Massage, aswell as MyoYin. 

Additional she had the oportunity to study with Dr. Robert Schleip, one of the most well known fascia expert and researcher in the world. 

Mona´s own practice and teachings of yoga have expanded her understanding of body mind and soul as a holistic experience in motion. Recognizing the transformative and healing power of yoga, she enjoys how Yoga can be easily integrated into our daily life. It is such a gift to explore our true nature and to connect to our inner wisdom. Yoga is a wonderful way of living
In each person she recognizes her/his uniqueness and adapts yoga to the individual. Variations and modifications of yoga practice are therefore a given. Rigid principles and dogmas are none of her business. “What's good for me is not necessarily good for you.” Her teaching style is characterized by passion, enthusiasm, and clarity.

She is registered with Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 and additional certified as Continous Education Provider (YACEP) offering immersions and trainings.


Moreover, she has been practicing as a holistic massage therapist.

At her yoga centre in Goa, India, she has been offering open yoga classes and workshops for a number of years. In Asia and Europe she holds seminars and provides yoga training and immersion.

For the past 10 years she has intensively practiced Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga and has extended her experience in Anusara, Iyengar, Acro and Hormone yoga through exposure to different mentors in Germany, Spain, and India. She combines the dynamic, sweeping style of Vinyasa Flow yoga with the distinct, slow, and meditative elements of Yin yoga while placing particular attention to both breath and flow of life energy. 

"Yang is about doing, yin is about letting go." It's all about balance´

To Mona, yoga means to be right here, right now; to surrender to the flow of life; to trust it; and to accept the challenges of it as a great gift. Yoga is far more than the practice of asanas. Rather, it is a philosphy of life, which has brought lots of joy, love, and peace into hers. She seeks to share this experience with her students.

Deep relaxation from the very first moment. Pure yoga. Geared to the requirements of each student. Free from constraints of style or bias. This is the characteristic of Mona's practice, which she conveys with lots of heart, passion, and empathy.

My recommendation: 200hrs teacher training
If you like to deepen your yogapractice and knowledge and are thinking about joining a 200hrs teacher training in England and Spain i can highly recommend Raquel and Mark Ansari.Have a look at

Gunnar Lips

Gunnar is a former athletics professional. He has worked as sports coach, has received training as sport massage therapist, and was educated in energetic massage techniques.

Years of professional sea diving gave him insight into a variety of different breathing techniques and the application thereof. During a visit to India 10 years past he has had his first encounter with yoga. His experience gained from both sports and professional life made him realize the holistic perfection of yoga.

Ever since, he has been practicing yoga regularly. Gunnar completed his training as Ashtanga / Vinyasa Flow and Yin yoga teacher. He continues to broaden his capacity in meditation and pranayama.

He incorporates the many decades of experience working as sports coach in his style of conveying yoga to his students. He 

has got a keen eye for both the possibilities and limitations asana work has got on the individual.

Yoga starts with the nose. Asana work is breath practice combined with motion. Gunnar focuses on teaching his students the proper way of breathing. And, of course, in Gunnar's classes there is always room for a dash of heartfelt humor. 

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