60 hours Residential
Yoga & Ayurveda TeacherTraining
Yoga Alliance Certified 60h CEP
About the Course
Yoga & Ayurveda based on the 5 elements of the Indian Tradition
Yin & Yang “It´s all about balance” (Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga)
Morning hours in silence
This Yoga & Ayurveda teacher training is suitable for all dedicated yoga teachers, yoga practioners and bodyworkers of all levels and styles who would like to deepen their practice, teaching and understanding of yoga and their own body to find a more balanced approach.
The theme of the 5 elements from the Indian tradition and the thousands of years old health system of Ayurveda form the philosophical background for the theory and practice in the training.
With a variety of tools like Asana practice, meditation, pranayama, dance and interactive group work, we will spend time together observing ourselves and others to experience and learn where elements may be out of balance (deficient or excessive energy) or when they are in balance. We will explore how different Yin and Yang practices can be applied to bring the energy in the elements back into balance.
This week is characterized by lots of practice and interactive group work and invites you to come into deeper contact with your body and your whole being. Time to observe your thoughts, to explore sensations in body and mind and to consciously perceive your emotions without judgement. Cultivating awareness and paying attention to how it feels in the body rather than thinking about how should it look like? Finding joy in your practice and teaching and freedom in movement and stillness.
The dance in between letting go and doing`
We combine stillness and movement, letting go and doing in a practice of Asanas, different types of Meditation, Pranayama and Mudras and learn how dynamic, challenging Yang practice can be practiced and taught together with slow and meditative Yin practice.
Some time in silence…
A calm and silent mind is the new luxury in the hustle and buzzle of everyday life.
This experience invites you to come into contact with your heart, true being and the deeper aspects of life
Silence gives you the opportunity to be in an introspective state, to go beyond the inner and outer distractions, and simply be in-tune with your heart and soul. When your inner and outer world are silent, you feel true peace and freedom.
You can tune out the world and enter into your own. Become silent and still. Be free. Silence is a wonderful way to create space in your mind, to reduce stress and gain clarity. Take the energy you normally use for external communication and channel it inward. Silent does not always mean quiet! There are many sounds in the nature which we will become aware of and deeply listening to when we become silent.
We invite you to cultivate balance, harmony and freedom in your life on and off the yogamat. Exploring the unknown and allowing magic to happen. Being open for change and giving yourself the permission to adapt the way you practice and teach to the individual. That may mean to let go of some old rules and dogmas. To create space for a practice and teaching that focuses much more on how it feels like than how it looks like. Feeling and connecting to the physical, mental and emotional sensations so you can cultivate freedom and an embodied practice.
Most of you are very familiar with teaching alignment principles and technical aspects of asanas after many years of teaching experience. With this continuing education training we would like to inspire you to develop a creative and individually adapted teaching style and practice. Integrating the qualities and aspects of the 5 elements as a guide into your teaching and practice. Qualities such as stability and being rooted (earth) creativity and going with the flow (water) transformation and courage (Fire) lightness and freedom (air), infinity and consciousness (space).
The principle of Yin & Yang builds the foundation for balance in the universe, nature, life and the human being. Health means balance between Yin & Yang. Health for the physical body, the mind and the soul.
Yang: Flow with the breath through inspiring, creative and dynamic Vinyasa Flow Yoga sequences and explore this physical challenging, strengthening and detoxifying practice.
Enjoy the dance of breath, breath and movement flow in harmony and create the so called „moving meditation“. Ujjayi breathing is the soul of this flowing motion
Yin: Yin Yoga the gentle path to inner balance. Surrender into the slow pace and deep opening of Yin Yoga which challenges you to be in the pure presence of awareness. It combines meditation and asana into a very deep yoga practice. Experience deep immersion and letting go by holding an asana for some minutes. Direct your attention inward, listen to your inner voice, observe your thoughts, and be present. Breath, meditation and asana merge into a deep, liberating, and wholesome yoga practice.
Explore the 5 life giving elements and connect to their transformative power. Equilibrium creates harmony in nature and in ourselves. In this training we will connect to the qualities of the 5 elements, explore and balance them. This will guide us to more Stability, Flexibility, Awareness, Lightness, Freedom and Joy of Life.
Teacher Training Course Content
Daily morning practice of 2,5hrs Yin&Yang Yoga class adapted to one of the
5 elements -
Pranayama, meditation and mudras suitable to the different elements deepen and complete the practice
Morning hours in silence
Students teaching
Interactive group work, observation and self awareness
"the art of teaching" Less teaching of alignment principles and technique towards
teaching qualities of the five elements and the various aspects of life -
Yin Yoga Practice on the wall
Myo Yin - Myofascial release combined with Yin Yoga
(Yin Yoga and Triggerpoint Massage with tennisballs) -
Afternoon Yoga practice with special themes
20 Yin Yoga Asanas
Vinyasa Flow sequences and sunsalutations related to each of the 5 elements
Dynamic meditation
Creating a Yoga sequence related to your Dosha Type
The secret of the Marma Points
Test different foods for their taste
Yin & Yang (The chines understanding how the world functions)
The secret of the Marma Points
Study the benefits of the Yin & Yang Yoga Practice (physical, mental, energetical)
Theory and basics of the 5 elements from the Indian tradition
Introduction into the teachings of Ayurveda and the three Doshas
Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Ayurveda Dosha Test
Ayurvedic food concept
The six tastes in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic herbal remedies
Creating a Yoga sequence related to your Dosha Type
What does Yoga mean today
What do you like to share with people when you teach?
Letting go of some believes, rules and dogmas
Teaching Methodology
How to communicate the qualities and aspects of life in a Yoga class
Structure and suggestions for teaching Yin & Yang and how to combine these two Yoga styles in ones own practice
the „art of teaching“ Less teaching of alignment principles and technique towards teaching qualities of the elements and the various aspects of life
Developing a functional approach to Yoga
Finding out what suits me right now in this moment
Tarifa, Spain – Luxury Retreat Venue
Prices per person
Prices include 7 nights accomodation, 3 meals per day and the complete 50 hour Yoga Teacher Training Programme and all study materials:
Twin room occupation (2 people sharing) 1'290 euros
Single room occupation (1 person only – shared bathroom) 1'490 euros
Single room occupation (1 person only – private bathroom) 1'650 euros
Flights and Airport transfer (Taxi, bus or rental car) are not included in the package
Daily Schedule
We will start our day in silence 😊 until noon (12pm)
7.30am – 10.00am Asana Practice, Meditation & Pranayama
10.00am – 11.00am Breakfast
11.00am – 12.00pm Time in Silence
12.15pm – 1.30pm Anatomy, Lecture, Video
1.30pm – 3.00pm Lunch
3.00pm – 4.00pm Motion Analysis, Student teaching
4.00pm – 4.45pm Group work, Lecture
5.00pm – 6.30pm Asana Practice
7.00pm Dinner
On Wednesday, there will be an additional evening session from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
This teacher training is a residential course held from Sunday to Sunday.
Sundays are only arrival and departure days without any teachings.
The classes start on Monday 7.30am and finish on Saturday 7.00pm
Thursday is only half day programm, the afternoon and evening are off.
Impressions from our last residential trainings
How to Get There
There are many options to arrive at the venue, which is located approx. 4km from Tarifa town. There are 4 airports within 2 hours drive. Gibraltar, Jerez, Malaga and Sevilla
The nearest airport is Gibraltar (La Linea), which is a 40 minute drive to the venue, approx. 40km. Only flights from England come to Gibraltar.
Jerez Airport is an 80 minute drive away, approx. 120km
Malaga Airport is a 110 minute drive away, approx. 160km
Sevilla Airport is a 120 minute drive away, approx. 170km
Public Bus
There is also a public bus option from Malaga Airport. For further bus details check: https://www.avanzabus.com